Thats really great you'd like to look at this Amita. I don't know how much
you've already looked at this or Tuscany so I'm going to give some pointers
about how I'd approach this.

There's two parts you need to do, how to use DAS to call stored procedures,
and how to plug that DAS code into Tuscany.

The DAS function is described at

There's a DAS testcase that uses stored procedures:

Based on that I guess you should try to write a simple function that invokes
a stored procedure using DAS so you learn whats required to set things up
and do the invoke, how to configure DAS pragmatically, and all the
dependencies it requires etc.

Early on I'd make a sample to use as a functional test so you know what
you're trying to get to work, something like:,
or any of the other samples in java/samples/sca. Based on that you need to
come up with a new SCDL implementation element for describing the stored
procedure. We use helloworld or calculator samples for a lot of things,
initially it may be easiest to do something close to what the DAS tests do
eg, GETNAMEDCOMPANY. The Javascript helloworld sample is here:

I wouldn't worry to much about the details of the scdl yet, just get
something going and the final form can be discussed on the mailing list.

To plug that into Tuscany you need to write a container, there's some
existing ones at:

(don't use the spring one as its a bit different to what you want). The vast
majority of the code is boiler plate stuff you can just copy unchanged

So to start, copy one of those existing container projects, and one of those
existing sample projects, rename everything so the names include something
about das or rdb or stored procedures, don't worry about the names as it can
easily be refactored later, and then start trying to fit in your DAS code.

Hope this is of some help, let us know how you get on or if you get stuck
anywhere. If you want to keep this in our svn as you develop it open a JIRA
and attach files to it and we can put them in the sandbox.


On 10/16/06, Amita Vadhavkar <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:


I am new to Tuscany but am interested in looking into this rightaway as I
have some time. I hope to be bugging you folks soon for help as I get to
understand and do this.


On 10/16/06, ant elder <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> I was reviewing the DAS user guide and reading the section about using
> with stored procedures:
> , and
> wondered
> wouldn't it be useful to have an SCA component implemented by a stored
> procedure? How about implementing a container for this (not for M2 of
> course). Using the DAS stored procedure capabilities would make
> implementing
> this quite easy, and it would help get a bit more interaction going
> between
> the SCA and DAS  people.
> Any one interested in having a look at this?
>   ...ant

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