I want to start getting the Contribution service integrated to the process
of running components, and I was thinking to give it a try by integrating
the service with the new DeafultSCAContatiner that some sample apps in the
integration branch is using. I think the idea is to stop using the launcher
to consume the application SCDL, and ask the Contribution service to process
the application as a contribution.

component = launcher.bootApplication("application", applicationSCDL);

to maybe:
URI appURI = this.contributionService.contribute(contributionLocation,

Today, when you ask the contribution service to consume an application, you
will get back an URI, that is an ID for that contribution. So, my question
is, how the external world would get access to the model objects created
during the loading phase from the contribution service ? Is the contribution
service responsible to register these model objects
(e.gcomponentDefinition) into some specific model repository (
e.g the domain) ? and If so, how do I got about doing this ?

Could someone please share some ideas, or more concrete example on how I'd
go about integrating the Contribution service into the big picture ?

Luciano Resende

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