On Mar 12, 2007, at 3:00 PM, ant elder wrote:

I agree with what Bert are Luciano are saying and I'm having the same
problems while trying to get the Axis2 binding going again in trunk. Many
people have been having trouble with this for months now and have been
coming up with their own pom.xml files or bat scripts or whatever to work around these problems ( or creating their own branch or just giving up and going away). I think its time we reviewed this modularity strategy and try
to find something that more people are happy with.

Isn't the only real problem with having a top level pom.xml to enable a full build is that mixing different version levels in a single reactor build confuses maven. To fix this lets just go back to having a single version
used by all the modules in trunk.
-1 this forces all extensions to use the latest trunk, which proved unworkable and which seems to be causing problems in the integration branch with all the profile changes and build breaks.

If people don't want to to a full build
from the top they can ignore the top-level pom.xml.
What is wrong with Jeremy's proposal to use assemblies?

Modules can still be
released individually or in smaller groups with any specific version name as desired, but build the trunk from the top gets all the modules built with the latest code all using the latest SNAPSHOT version name as this is what
people want and expect.

So if I have an extension that works off 2.0 kernel only and the kernel in trunk is at 3.0 what happens? How does that get built and released? Maybe you can get this setup in the integration branch for us to look at?


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