Thanks Amita, this is very good news...
Is this based on the initial patch I attached to jira-800 and the code I
have on my sandbox ? If this is the case, you could probably submit a patch
on top of the code I have on the sanbox, and I could update that,  so others
could have a better understanding and provide any comments...

On 3/22/07, Amita Vadhavkar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi All,

JIRA-800  is created for supporting use of Ajax to create web sample.

With this approach, it will be easy to modify the sample to add new

Many features like OCC, Column Converter, Compound Key Relationship can be

Also HTMLUnit testing can be used. Also, auto creation of derby database
can be done

(integrate JIRA-863).

Design thoughts:

There will be one jsp, one javascript, one servlet and some utility
classes and also a set of xsl files for transformation of the result.

To add a new feature , say OCC, the only modifications needed will be
adding a command under DAS Command (please refer to screen shot) and add a
stylesheet if one is not already there. This way maintaining the web sample
in future and adding new features will be easy.

In the execution flow, the adhoc query/ DAS command will be passed through
the javascript to servlet, which will invoke RDB-DAS, get results and return
to javascript. Javascript will render result through jsp.

Advantages will be scalability and user friendly result display.

Right now I have got the sample working for adhoc query.  Will expand it
to make it working for the above mentioned points. Please let me know your
feedback, what all DAS features we can include in this first shot. Also,
some better screen display suggestions and anything else. Will soon attach
the .war here to deploy and see the look and feel.



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Luciano Resende

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