Hi Luciano,

Here is what I am facing...

- The targetnamespace attribute is a part of the sca:definitions element and
that is read by the SCADefnProcessor.

- For subsequent elements such as Intents and Policysets in the
definitions.xml, the SCADefnsProcessor delegates to the extension processor
which inturn ends up calling the IntentProcessor (to process Intents) or the
PolicySetProcessor (to process PolicySets).  But it happens that the Intents
and PolicySets should inherit the 'targetnmaespace' so that its made to be a
part of their name.  So it seems like it would have been good for the
SCADefnsProcessor to pass this value down.

Since this is not possible, I set up the targetnamespace for the names of
Intents and PolicySets in the SCADefnsProcessor after an Intent or PolicySet
has been read by a downstream processor.  I am not so comfortable with this.

Does that give you some picture ?


- Venkat

On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 6:32 AM, Luciano Resende <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Maybe you could describe a little more what is the issue you are
> having, and we could try helping finding another solution for your
> issue, particularly related to targetNamespace, as it might be
> available trough the parser API. Also, I usually try to avoid context
> objects, as they usually grow out of control very fast causing various
> side effects.
> On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 10:39 AM, Luciano Resende <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > I was going to take a quick look at this, but before I do, let me ask
> >  if svn revision #635604 is related to the issue you are asking here.
> >
> >
> >
> >  On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 2:40 AM, Venkata Krishnan <
> >  > Hi,
> >  >
> >  >  I recently faced a situation where I wished to passed some context
> from one
> >  >  StAXArtifact Processor to others down the chain.  More specifically,
> to get
> >  >  the 'targetNamespace' of the definitions.xml file apply to
> PoliyIntent and
> >  >  PolicySet names, I wished to pass the 'targetNamespace' value from
> the
> >  >  Definitions Processor (which is where it is read) down to the
> PolicyIntent
> >  >  and PolicySet processors.  I could not figure out a way to do this.
>  Am I
> >  >  missing something here or would it make sense to add an argument
> named
> >  >  'context' to the read methods of our StAXProcessor ?  I guess there
> could be
> >  >  other situations when we might need some information from parent
> element to
> >  >  be passed down.
> >  >
> >  >  Thoughts ?
> >  >
> >  >  Thanks
> >  >
> >  >  - Venkat
> >  >
> >
> >
> >
> >  --
> >  Luciano Resende
> >  Apache Tuscany Committer
> >  http://people.apache.org/~lresende<http://people.apache.org/%7Elresende>
> >  http://lresende.blogspot.com/
> >
> --
> Luciano Resende
> Apache Tuscany Committer
> http://people.apache.org/~lresende <http://people.apache.org/%7Elresende>
> http://lresende.blogspot.com/
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