
1) The ODE Database

Luciano has suggested we find a way of dealing with the database required by the ODE BPEL processor - big +1 to that since if you mess up the database configuration it is the devil's own business to get it fixed. (Speaking from sorry experience.....) One suggestion that I have is:

- stop trying to find the database from the classpath
- invent a Tuscany property which points to the D/B location
- fail with a very clear message if the D/B isn't there
- provide a command to create the D/B

2) The deploy.xml file

I think that we should do whatever it takes to get rid of this file. No-one 
should have to author it.

If ODE absolutely requires it, then we should create it on the fly. Preferably we should negotiate with ODE to eliminate it entirely. If they must have the info - can we pass it in-memory somewhere? We have access to all the info in that file, through introspection of the BPEL process and the related WSDL file. Our BPEL Process loading code reads all that stuff now.

This will reduce the task of creating a BPEL Process component to:

a) write the process (can't get rid of that one!)
b) write the associated WSDLs  (I would LOVE to get rid of that....ideas 

Yours,  Mike.

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