I might be the 'they', not sure. This is a very hard email thread to follow so let
me try to articulate some ideas.

First, bindingType and implementationType were introduced by the SCA Policy
FW spec because that spec was the first to need a bit of metadata describing
bindings from a typing perspective so that policy could be provided by the type and didn't have to be repeated on every binding instance. Implementation types was an obvious next stop on the journey. The text was driven into the Assembly spec as the result of a realization that these two concepts would be needed by
SCA extenders who wish to add bindings and new kinds of components into any
SCA runtime that was implemented by some another party.  The assembly
spec group decided (rightly IMHO) NOT to dive more deeply into filling out
these concepts in V1.0. It would be more appropriate to tackle these sorts of
issues in a future revision of the technology.

Second, Tuscany is an open community where the plethora of talent enables
new innovative ideas to be explored.  These extensibility points are a great
place for Tuscany to experiment with different approaches. I think it would be fantastic if Tuscany could "finish" the work of the spec group and come up with a reasonable (and workable) model for extensibility and then propose it to the
spec group.  Building on this thought then is the assertion that bindingType
is the starting point for 3rd parties to describe a binding implementation to a
runtime not authored by the binding implementer.  It would be naive to think
that the current structure of bindingType, it's containment within a defintions.xml file or any other related aspect is off limits from change in this experiment.

I'm not clear on what all the issues are that have been raised. I see a lot of
mis-information and some emotion that's hard to sort through.

I saw a strawman that looked like a good start in one of the emails but there
seemed to be resistance that I didn't understand.  The SCA bindingType
and implementationType concepts have nothing to do with policy.  Policy was
the first functional area that happened to see the need for them.


----- Original Message ----- From: "ant elder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <tuscany-dev@ws.apache.org>
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 2:40 AM
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Declaring extensions as being available in the domain

On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 7:12 AM, Venkata Krishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Agreed to all that ONLY IF definitions.xml is going to contain things
related to policies only. Though it is at the present moment my belief is
that it could evolve to represent information more than just policy
things.  This belief  of mine is based on the following : -

- the name of the file is 'definitions.xml' and is not
- this is defined in the assembly model specs and not in the PolicyFwk
specs.  If its just for policies, I'd reckon that it would have been
completely in the PolicySpecs and only referred to in the Assembly Model
specs.  Right now its vice-versa.

Maybe some Specs folks should give us their perspective on this.

- Venkat

Those are good points. Especially the last one as its they that ask for this in an offline discussion so it would be really good to get their input here.


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