Hi Crhis


> I can see how the samples are working, as Tuscany has automatic access
> to the files required as they are included within the same jars, but
> assume I have a DAO component which implements a service
> HibernateProductDAO which provides a Hibernate specific implementation
> of the ProductDAO interface. If our full application is deployed in a
> component oriented fashion, then ideally I would like to be able to
> say... ok this single component needs a bug fix. Fix the bug and
> repackage this single component and redeploy.

At the moment our deployment granularity is at the composite level rather
than the component level. As long as you build a composite with just the
HibernateProductDAO component in it you will be able to deploy this
component in isolation. You are not restricted to any particular number of
composites in your application. Components from one composite can reference
components in another composite, composites can be included in other
composites, composites can be assembled recursively using

> So say
> HibernateProductDAO_1.5.jar is sitting with component contained within
> (and a composite mapping?) and I would like to get this into my
> application. Would it be as simple as dropping it within the shared
> lib/classpath of the webcontainer and will Tuscany be able to find it?

Replacing a component with a bug fixed implementation implies stopping and
restarting the component. As your component is wrapped in a single composite
this can be as simple as stopping and restarting the node that is running
the composite that holds the HibernateProductDAO component. This will work
today if you are running Tuscany from some command line launcher. It may
even work if you are deploying as a webapp. The deep integration isn't done
yet so the webapp will have to include all of the Tuscany jars.

> Thanks again
> Chris

I think we should start to get a little more specific...

A) We might have a composite for the DAO...

<composite xmlns="http://www.osoa.org/xmlns/sca/1.0";

    <component name="ProductDAO">
        <implementation.java class="product.impl.HibernateProductDAOImpl" />
        <service name="ProductInfo">
            <interface.java interface="product.ProductDAO"/>
            <tuscany:binding.jsonrpc uri="http://myhost:8080//ProductInfo"/>

B) And another composite for the client app

<composite    xmlns="http://www.osoa.org/xmlns/sca/1.0";

    <component name="Products">
        <tuscany:implementation.widget location="uiservices/product.html"/>
        <service name="Widget">
            <tuscany:binding.http uri="/ui"/>
        <reference name="productDAO">
             <tuscany:binding.jsonrpc uri="http://myhost:8080//ProductInfo";>

C) And some javascriptin the browser which exercises this


<script type="text/javascript" src="products.js"></script>

<script language="JavaScript">

    var products= new Reference("productDAO");


I haven't actually run this so there may be typos but let me explain...

A) is deployed as a stand-alone contribution to some runtime (could be
webapp or could be standalone). The result of running up the "dao" composite
is an a live service at the endpoint http://myhost:8080//ProductInfo. This
endpoint will respone to JSONRPC requests.

B) and C) are wrapped together into a war contribution (along with all of
the Tuscany jars) and deployed to a webapp container. When the webapp starts
up you can point you browser at
http://myhost:8080/mywebapp/uiservices/product.html. This will return
javascript C) and, on the fly, build the javascript "products.js" which
contains the references for the Products component from B). The reference in
B) happens to refer to our ProductDOA componenent service that is running
elsewhere. Hence the javascript in the browser can talk directly to the
ProductsDOA service.

If we chose to stop and restart the runtime running the "dao" composite. Say
if we wanted upgrade it. We could do that without affecting the client
component as long as the resulting service comes back with the endpoint

The same pattern works for any component that references another component.
I used a fairly complicated widget component implementation here that we use
for creating web2.0 type applications where the browser talks directly to
back end services. You can of course have server side UI generating
component doing the same job.

make any sense?



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