Dick Moores wrote:
> (I posted this to the python-list 24 hours ago, and didn't get a 
> single response. How about you guys?)
You mean this list?  Cause if you mean this list, then you didn't post 
it correctly.
> The only debugging I've done so far is to put in print statements 
> where I want to see what's happening. But it's often "through a glass 
> darkly".
> However, I just discovered that my excellent (IMO) Python editor, 
> Ulipad, comes with WinPdb, and I'm thinking it's about time I learned 
> how to use a debugger.
> But first, could I get some reviews here of WinPdb before I invest a 
> lot of time in learning it? I've found a couple links to tutorials on 
> the WinPdb website (< http://www.digitalpeers.com/pythondebugger/>, 
> where you'll also notice that version 1.2.0 came out August 6 (the 
> latest svn revision of Ulipad already has it: 
> <http://ulipad.googlecode.com/svn/> (Ulipad's developer Limodou (who's 
> in Beijing), is /very /responsive).
> Thanks,
> Dick Moores
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