At 03:00 PM 8/9/2007, you wrote:
> > Dick Moores wrote:
> >> (I posted this to the python-list 24 hours ago, and didn't get a
> >> single response. How about you guys?)
> > You mean this list?  Cause if you mean this list, then you didn't post
> > it correctly.
>I don't believe he did. There are seperate python-lists, comp.lang.python,
>one actually called python-list I believe, and besides, since he
>specifically said "How about you guys?" as in let's try someone else - I
>think he didn't mean this list.

Right. I meant the python list named "python-list" with the address 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ;) However, it should also have gone, as a 
matter of course, to the comp.lang.python newsgroup. I just checked 
and it's not there, even though more recent posts of mine in other 
threads ARE there.


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