On 25/11/12 03:16, Nathan wrote:

What I'm trying to do now is add support for the card images. the
problem is, the program supports multiple types of spreads (two, so far,
are selectable), and they use different numbers of cards. It looks like
I need a variable number of widgets to display something like this. I'm
not entirely sure how I would handle something like that.

Tkinter is dynamic by definition.
So you just need a loop to add your images in some kind of collection widget. A Canvas or a Frame would seem obvious choices... Just choose your preferred layout manager - simple pack() would work or you could use grid() for more sophisticated shapes.

Right now, though, I do have two ideas that I would like to run by you

The first is to use one text widget-- as opposed to the one label widget
I'm currently using-- and embed the images where the card names would
be. I would have to try out some demos first, though, to see if I can
otherwise use text widgets just as label widgets.

You can certainly embed images in Text widgets, I'm not sure about Labels, but I think you can. You can also use Buttons.

The other idea, which seems much more cumbersome, is to create a dummy
frame widget, then a frame widget designed specifically for each type of
spread. The user selects the spread they want to use (Celtic Cross), and
the associated frame gets placed on the GUI.

That doesn't sound cumbersome to me, it sounds like standard Tkinter practice. Frames are the base object of nearly everything in Tkinter. A Celtic cross pattern could just be an algorithm for positioning things on a grid... So it may simply be a case of having different generator functions for the card locations (a list of tuples?) and selecting a function rather than a Frame.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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