On Thu, 2005-01-13 at 11:37, Karl Ove Hufthammer wrote:
> Albert Cahalan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> > Take a look at the bridge drawing in the gallery.
> > It would look better with a darker red.
> I'm not sure. And Bill actually *has* used a darker red in parts
> of the drawing.
> > Also consider blood.
> I'd rather not.

It's normal for kids. Just a month or two ago, my 18-month-old
exposed his skull. (2mm by 10mm chunk of flesh removed)

Schoolboys bleed profusely from the nose and knees.

> >> I really think this blue is much more usuable than the old
> >> one, especially for drawing cartoon skys.
> >
> > Try the lightening bolt stamp in a baby-blue sky.
> > Now, doesn't that look horribly wrong?
> No. And I think it looks fine even with these very different
> shades of blue:
> http://www.newbreedsoftware.com/tuxpaint/gallery/billkendrick/20041212203112.png

That's very cartoon-like. Real lightning bolts appear white.
I made the stamp colorable for cartoon usage, but really,
a lightning bolt should be white. Without any prompting from
me, my kid makes them white. (no cartoons in this house)

Another thing: a rainbow in a baby-blue sky looks garish.

> And of course using a different set of images you would get a
> different 'sky blue' colour. Just look at all the different
> colours of the sky behind the real Golden Gate:

If you'd like me to recompute, I can.

> What do other people on this list think? I've put up two images
> for comparison:

That's a total garish cartoon. Look, we have a "Cartoon"
item in the magic section. Hack that to produce the color
you want.

There is no "Uncartoon" magic tool.

> >>> 4. washed out dark blue
> >>
> >> I've made it darker. Better? The old one was *too* dark to be
> >> usuable.
> >
> > For what?
> Stamp tinting, for instance.

See attached car, tinted with the old blue.

<<attachment: blue.png>>

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