On Thu, 2005-01-13 at 14:10, Bill Kendrick wrote:

> Albert definitely comes from the "kids want to draw blood and guts" camp.
> That's fine, but now that we have guns, tanks and explosions in the stamps,
> I'm definitely seeing a need to split them up, so that parents can choose
> which things to install.

Maybe because:

My father was from a family of 4 boys.
I'm from a family of 4 boys.
I have 3 boys... and I think another on the way.

There are no tanks in the stamps collection. The closest thing
is just a Bradley. Granted, they can take out obsolete tanks
with the 30mm chain gun or modern ones with a TOW missle, but
they can't take big incoming HEAT or discarding-sabot rounds.
Against a real modern tank, a Bradley is toast. A Bradley is
really for transporting people to battle; it holds a dozen or so.

The kid loves to draw bad guys standing in front of the
Bradley, with flames and bullets coming out of the gun.
You should see him get all excited about it.

The race car always seems to catch fire, the fish get
poisoned (by the lionfish) or eaten by dogs (need a cat),
the sedan crashes and gives off smoke...

I resisted the urge to make a WTC-jumper stamp. :-)
It would be kind of neat, but maybe a bit tasteless?
Though, I know I'd want to be imortalized in a stamp
if I had to jump like that. I can't think of a better
way to be remembered, actually.

> I've always planned this... no reason to include planets and currency
> when all the parent/teacher wants is animals and plants.  No reason to
> include holiday and religious stuff, if all they want is planets and outer
> space. :^)

Holiday stuff can be excluded based on date.
Currency and religious stuff can be excluded based on locale.
Plantets can be excluded based on canvas color.

(if you use the coral reef starter, you don't need planets)

> Albert's definitely looks a little more gloomy/overcast, but I can see it's
> usefulness in both sky and water situations.  (Also, blue is one of my
> favorite colors, so I'm a little biased :^) )
> > Stamp tinting, for instance.
> Yes, we do want to keep track of stamp tinting (and Tint magic tool tinting,
> though honestly that code's got to change), when picking colors.

This is backwards. If tinting sucks, let's fix it. If the cartoon
effect won't turn normal blue into cartoon blue, let's fix it.
How about I do the tinter, and Karl does the cartoon effect?

I proposed a fix for the tinter. Thoughts?

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