On Fri, 2005-01-14 at 12:12, Karl Ove Hufthammer wrote:
> > On Fri, 2005-01-14 at 10:08, Karl Ove Hufthammer wrote:
> > > And it will only get worse. (I've spotted many nice images from
> > > openclipart.org I'd like to include as stamps.)
> > 
> > Those are all cartoonish.
> Yes, that's why I want to use them. They're really *perfect* for a
> childrens drawing program. (This is not Gimp, you know.)

Cartoons go well with bright green, cyan, and magenta. :-)

If you're thinking they'll match what kids can draw, no,
they mostly have sharp black outlines and gradients.

This may not be the Gimp, but that does not mean low quality.

For example, the smudge tool does not have settings for
brush, alpha, and smudge factor. It just has good values.
It is done with gamma correction and floating-point state
though, so that it'll look even better than the Gimp's tool.

> > The glass, for example won't work right on all backgrounds.
> The glass works fine on coloured backgrounds too.

Try black. Look at the shadow. (Unless you removed that;
it would be a good idea. Nothing else comes with a shadow.)

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