On Feb 7, 2010, at 10:49 AM, K.M. Richards wrote:

> (Oh, and something else I have learned from friends who still work at
> AT&T: In a widespread disaster, your cell phone isn't going to work
> either, because of the way the wireless infrastructure works ... or
> rather, won't work under those circumstances.  Text messaging *may*
> work, but no one guarantees that either...

Absolutely -- when there was a relatively minor earthquake in L.A. during the 
work day a while back, the first reaction of many of my coworkers was to 1) 
evacuate the building, and 2) attempt to use their cell phones to call to check 
on their kids and/or significant others.  1) was not a good idea, and 2) didn't 
work; no one could get a call through.

I've since joined the company emergency response team, which officially 
empowers me to yell at people during earthquakes.

Jim Ellwanger <train...@ellwanger.tv>

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