I years ago stopped trying to get tickets to SDCC since they sell out
seconds after they are made available online, but I have a friend, and she
worked some magic... long story short, I’ll be geeking next Thursday and
Friday in America’s Finest City. I have a lengthy list of panels I hope to
gain admittance to, but if anybody has anything they’d like me to check out
while I’m there and report back to the group, let me know. It is possible I
will even do some cosplay while I’m there. Money is extra tight, so please
don’t ask me to check out any of the sideshow events that require extra
fees (unless you want to contribute to the cause!).

A few of the TV related stuff I plan to check out includes panels on
Stargate, Mickey Spillane, Snoopy, Robotech, Voltron, Robot Chicken, Bob’s
Burgers, and Archer. I also plan to check out the section of downtown San
Diego that NBC is converting into “The Good Place” (they might have frozen
yogurt or clam chowder... either way, I’m happy), and I’m on the stand-by
list for ConanCon admission.

It’s my first vacation in years, and I intend to make the most of it.
Again, ideas for any events or vendors to check out while I’m there are
Kevin M. (RPCV)

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