“Magic For Humans” by Justin Willman has dropped on Netflix. Fans of magic,
and even those only casually interested, will find it entertaining. Willman
dampened my enjoyment by bending if not breaking the contract the honest
magician has with the audience on what kind of cheating is allowed.

There was at least one magic show on a major network – I think ABC – back
in the 1980s that featured magic tricks. And it turns out the biggest trick
in the show, the disappearance of an elephant or something like that, was
completely fraudulent. In other words, it wasn’t smoke or mirrors. They
shot that part of the show without an audience, stopped the camera, removed
the elephant, turned on the camera and later put in audience reaction from
another trick to suggest there had been an illusion. They got busted when
other magicians turned them in.

The rules are still bent today. I read a commentary a few weeks ago by the
guy who oversees the magic at the Magic and Comedy Club in Hermosa Beach
and he notes he has problems with Criss Angel and another magician – maybe
Dynamo? – because they use camera angles and editing to deceive viewers. I
can’t find that article now to link to it.


So in the first episode, Willman tells us he is approaching people randomly
on the street and doing magic tricks. He pulls thinks out of a bag. The
final trick in this is pulling a guy’s wife out of the bag. Willman
defended the trick on Reddit, where there had been accusations of CGI or
other video trickery. He says he uses an M Bench. I know what a standard M
Bench looks like. I don’t know if there’s a special magician’s M Bench.


But my point is, if this was a genuinely random interaction with someone, I
don’t see how they could have had his wife ready to jump in and do the
trick. There’s a gap that damages his credibility.

In another trick, Willman is shown running to camera left and then rolls up
driving a vehicle second later on camera right. Clearly there was a longer
lapse of time before he arrived.

I don’t know how he did the tricks so I can’t say if these are venial sins
or mortal sins.

Other than that, it’s a great series. It’s a hybrid of comedy and magic. If
you are on the fence about watching it, watch the first episode and then
the third episode, which is the one everyone is talking about.

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