> On Sep 6, 2016, at 11:55 AM, Tristan Seligmann <mithra...@mithrandi.net> 
> wrote:
> Currently there is no way to explicitly compose Twisted endpoints, but 
> several endpoint implementations have arisen that explicitly wrap another 
> endpoint, and so have needed a way to do this. So far, this has been 
> implementing by passing in an endpoint description, and then calling 
> serverFromString/clientFromString internally in the endpoint to construct the 
> wrapped endpoint. I've seen two different ways of encoding the "inner" 
> endpoint:

Some other points to keep in mind for this discussion:

We may want a syntax that supports composing multiple endpoints, not just 2.
The existing syntax is kind of crummy; ":" as a separator has serious problems, 
considering its presence in both URLs and IPv6 literals.  I wouldn't say we 
should necessarily re-design the whole syntax to accommodate this, but just 
having a whole new syntax might not be a bad thing either.

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