
I run a application that retrieves twitter users profile pictures and
adds them to wordpress blog comments. The actual format of an twitter
user picture is the following:

(the "avatars" bit is the original pic name)

This means that everytime the user changes his avatar i MUST change
the url i will call for the picture. This makes me call the API more
often than what i wish (exceeding limits as this is to use in
different WP blogs). My question is if I'm missing some technique that
let's me pull the avatar regardingless the original uploaded image
name. Something like:

(the "useravatar" bit wouldn't change)

That way i would need to call the API only one time per user, then i
would store the pic adress on my webpage and each time avatar changes
i wouldn't need to change the avatar URL and make another API call i
would just add the img.

Any idea if that's possible and, if not, will this be implemented?


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