On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 12:38 PM, Nick Halstead <nickhalst...@gmail.com>wrote:

> We have tried to stick very closely to the RESTful + twitter style
> The documentation is here -> http://www.tweetmeme.com/apidoc.php
> An example of the url fetcher ->
> http://api.tweetmeme.com/url_info?url=http://is.gd/lznv
> We also have two methods that let you fetch the most popular + the
> most recent stories.

Cool... I'm doing the same kind of thing, but instead of trying to do it
comprehensively, I'm relying on predictive modeling and social network
analysis to minimize the data.  I'm able to identify most, if not all, of
the popular URLs by making a system that is smart about who to track and how

How comprehensive is your data?  Are you trying to do the entire firehose?

> Would love to get feedback on what other data mining methods we could
> expose.

By offering the API, you'll make it much easier for people to build on top
of it.  Maybe the best thing you could do is to make that service as
complete and robust as possible.

I think the future of things like this are in vertical-ization and


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