This is a cool feature, Nick. I appreciate you opening it up to the

One concern I have, as a desktop app developer, is that a user could
probably plow through 100 reqs/hr pretty easily if they're following
1000 or more users. Now one might say "most people don't follow that
many people, so you're an idiot," and they'd be right. I happen to
follow that many, though, so I'd notice it 8). Also, people who are
essentially edge cases when it comes to # of folks they follow also
tend to bitch the most. Like me.

Right now I'm doing url un-shortening in the client, but I would look
seriously at using your service if the limits were a bit higher.

Ed Finkler
AIM: funka7ron
ICQ: 3922133

On Mar 4, 3:38 pm, Nick Halstead <> wrote:
> Today we launched an API for tweetmeme, for those who havent tried it,
> we aggregate all the twitter URL's to rank the most popular stories.
> Well the upside of this is that we have massive database of all the
> short URL's - and where they resolve to, included in this we also go
> and grab the page that it points at, and so we fetch the title,
> category of content, and a few other bits.
> We have tried to stick very closely to the RESTful + twitter style
> The documentation is here ->
> An example of the url fetcher 
> ->
> We also have two methods that let you fetch the most popular + the
> most recent stories.
> Would love to get feedback on what other data mining methods we could
> expose.

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