What would be a nice addition would be the ability to have a "mentions" meta
tag with the Tweet stating those mentioned in the Tweet.  Those in the
"mentions" meta tag don't necessarily have to be in the Tweet.  Consider
this similar to Facebook's "tagging" for photos and videos, and UIs could
build tagging around that without the user ever having to mention anyone in
the Tweet itself.
My thought on this is that by using that method, users wouldn't necessarily
have to pollute their Tweets with a user's name while trying to get their
attention.  It also wouldn't take away from the 140 characters and the Tweet
could focus more on content.  I'd love to see the same types of meta-tagging
for hashtags and keywords describing the Tweet.


On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 7:04 PM, Alex Payne <a...@twitter.com> wrote:

> Something to keep in mind: our UX team has decided to represent this
> feature as "@$username" on the web. If you don't have room for that
> label in your Twitter app's GUI, consider an @ symbol. If you don't
> like that representation, at least considering renaming "Replies" to
> "Mentions" in your GUI to stay consistent with what new users will see
> when they sign in to twitter.com.
> That said, the new behavior is intuitive even with the label of
> "Replies", so don't panic if it takes a few days (or weeks) to push
> out a new version of your app with a new label in the GUI. You
> shouldn't need to change any of the logic (though you may get to
> remove some if you were doing vanity searches via the Search API).
> If your users don't like the new behavior, it's trivial to give them
> the option to filter out anything but tweets starting with
> "@$username". We figured we'd err on the side of giving you more data
> to work with.
> Enjoy!
> On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 17:39, Doug Williams <d...@twitter.com> wrote:
> > Devs,
> > Before today calls to statuses/replies [1] would return only tweets that
> > were prefixed with a @username. As clients began to recognize the value
> in
> > mentions of a @username anywhere in the tweet, they opted to perform a
> > search for @username to get the superset.
> >
> > Twitter agrees [2] that the definition of a reply has changed, and as
> such,
> > calls to statuses/replies contain any tweets that include a mention of
> the
> > authenticating user.
> >
> > If your client has been using the Search API to retrieve @replies, you
> > should begin to migrate to statuses/replies method as it now best
> practice.
> >
> > 1. http://apiwiki.twitter.com/REST-API-Documentation#statuses/replies
> > 2. http://blog.twitter.com/2009/03/replies-are-now-mentions.html
> >
> > Code on,
> > Doug Williams
> > Twitter API Support
> > http://twitter.com/dougw
> >
> --
> Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.
> http://twitter.com/al3x

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