On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 10:49 AM, Chris Latko <ch...@latko.org> wrote:
> Excuse my ignorance on this, but aren't you forced to use either an
> authenticated or unauthenticated call depending on the API method? If
> this is the case, then you really don't have an option on how these
> calls are made.

I don't think you're "forced" to do unauthenticated calls on any API.
There are some that require authentication, like direct messages and
some that fall into an ambiguous position due the public/non-public

E.g., if a user have a protected timeline, you need to be
authenticated to request the user_timeline of that user; otherwise,
doing an unauthenticated request will work fine. Mentions probably
fall in the same category (you can get some mentions using the search
API, but it won't return protected updates.)

Julio Biason <julio.bia...@gmail.com>
Twitter: http://twitter.com/juliobiason

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