If you are running into the 20k/h limit contact a...@twitter.com and they
will work with you find ways to decrease the calls make some special

On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 20:38, Julio Biason <julio.bia...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 10:49 AM, Chris Latko <ch...@latko.org> wrote:
> > Excuse my ignorance on this, but aren't you forced to use either an
> > authenticated or unauthenticated call depending on the API method? If
> > this is the case, then you really don't have an option on how these
> > calls are made.
> I don't think you're "forced" to do unauthenticated calls on any API.
> There are some that require authentication, like direct messages and
> some that fall into an ambiguous position due the public/non-public
> tweets.
> E.g., if a user have a protected timeline, you need to be
> authenticated to request the user_timeline of that user; otherwise,
> doing an unauthenticated request will work fine. Mentions probably
> fall in the same category (you can get some mentions using the search
> API, but it won't return protected updates.)
> --
> Julio Biason <julio.bia...@gmail.com>
> Twitter: http://twitter.com/juliobiason

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