Note: The Streaming API is currently under a limited alpha test,
details below.

The "/follow" Streaming API resource is now publicly available. This
resource streams near-real-time public updates posted by an arbitrary
set of users. Streaming by user_id may be interesting to a variety of
developers who wish to provide a nearly instantaneous experience
without the drawbacks of continuous polling, polling rate limits, auto-
following and follow limits.

For example, a desktop client could simulate a user's /home timeline,
minus private updates and mentions, via the "/follow" resource.
Continuous polling would no longer be necessary or desired. Upon
receipt of a new streamed message, the REST API may be periodically
polled to back-fill mentions, private statuses and other updates not
available via the Streaming API.

This stream may also be interesting to service developers that follow
their subscribers solely to receive their replies or for data mining
purposes. Auto-following, following limit and rate limit hassles could
be exchanged for real-time streaming subscriber updates.

Currently this resource is limited to following 200 user_ids.
Developers requiring considerably more followings and/or back-filling
via the "count" parameter should consider applying for the restricted
"/shadow" resource.

Feedback is encouraged as we determine the ease-of-use, value, tuning
and operational viability of this resource. With any luck, streaming
might also be easier on the Twitter service. Our flock of orange whale-
hoisting birds are pretty tuckered out.

Important Alpha Test Note:
The Streaming API (aka Hosebird) is currently under an alpha test. All
developers using the Streaming API must tolerate possible unannounced
and extended periods of unavailability, especially during off-hours,
Pacific Time. New features, resources and policies are being deployed
on very little, if any, notice. Any developer may experiment with the
unrestricted resources and provide feedback via this list. Access to
restricted resources is extremely limited and is only granted on a
case-by-case basis after acceptance of an additional terms of service
document. Documentation is available:

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