
You might want to try Shannon Whitley (blog post on VB.NET/OAuth/ Twitter at http://www.voiceoftech.com/swhitley/?p=681) … he seems to work with Twitter, OAuth and VB.NET. He might be reading the dev list here, not really sure.

 – Matt Sanford / @mzsanford
     Twitter Dev

On Jun 25, 2009, at 1:51 PM, Obrzut wrote:


I have been working on an program that will eventually access the
Twitter site.

But, I have found the very first stage of OAuth very cumbersome.

Basically, I have the following code;

       Dim url As String = "http://twitter.com/oauth/request_token";
       Dim xml As String = ""
       Dim OAuth As New OAuth_Twitter
       Dim O As New OAuth.OAuthBase
       Dim consumerKey As String = "CgZiTeNqGk2c0eZSdb9qg"
       Dim consumerSecret As String =
       Dim token As String = ""
       Dim tokenSecret As String = ""
       Dim Method As String = "GET"
       Dim outURL As String = "http://twitter.com/statuses/show/
       Dim querystring = ""
       Dim URI As New Uri(url)

       Dim nonce As String = O.GenerateNonce()
       Dim timeStamp As String = O.GenerateTimeStamp()

       REM            //Generate Signature
       Dim sig As String = O.GenerateSignature(URI, _
           consumerKey, _
           consumerSecret, _
           token, _
           tokenSecret, _
           Method, _
           timeStamp, _
           nonce, _
           "", _

       querystring &= "&oauth_signature=" & HttpUtility.UrlEncode

       Dim test As String = url & "?" & querystring

       Dim UR As System.Net.WebRequest = System.Net.WebRequest.Create

       Dim str As System.IO.Stream = UR.GetResponse


The program fails at the end - where str is dimmed as a IO.Stream and
a GetResponseStream() is attempted.

I get a 401: Unauthorised message - and the program terminates.

I think I am doing some thing wrong here, but I do not know what?

Do I have to use GenerateSignature() from the OAuth class twice? How
about using GenerateBaseSignature()?

I am really confuzzled. Ha!

Does anyone here know anything about VB.NET and OAuth implementations
in this language?

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