
Sadly, your API does not work. :(

odule Module1

    Sub Main()

        Dim pin As Integer = 0
        Dim OAuth As New OAuth.Twitter("Key","Secret")
        OAuth.Debugging = True

        Dim URL As String = OAuth.GetAuthorizationLink()

        Dim pinRead As String = String.Empty
        While Not (System.Int16.TryParse(pinRead, pin))
            Console.WriteLine("Type in the PIN provided by Twitter and
press Enter/Return.")
            pinRead = Console.ReadLine()
        End While

        If OAuth.GetAccessToken(pin) Then
            URL = "http://twitter.com/account/verify_credentials.xml";
            Dim Xml As String = (OAuth.WebRequest
(Global.OAuth.RequestMethod.GET, URL, String.Empty))
        End If
    End Sub

End Module


This is my code - using your API. But, no pin appears - why?

It fails on the pin number.

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