The secret should not reside in code. The secret should reside in a
config file, or maybe even a machine datastore. Abstract it out, no
one ever needs to see anything secret in your code.

- Andy Badera
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On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 9:25 AM, DWRoelands<> wrote:
> If you check out the OAuth Core Abstract, Section 4 (
> core/1.0#anchor4) states it pretty plainly:
> "Service Providers SHOULD NOT rely on the Consumer Secret as a method
> to verify the Consumer identity, unless the Consumer Secret is known
> to be inaccessible to anyone other than the Consumer and the Service
> Provider."
> This is exactly what Twitter has done with the Consumer Secret; they
> rely on it to verify the Consumer identity.
> This is a thorny dilemma for open source developers.  There's no way
> to share the source code without compromising your application's
> security, because you've got to include the Consumer Key Secret in the
> source.  You can obfuscate and encrypt, but a malicious actor with
> access to the source code can simply "step through" the code until the
> Consumer Secret is exposed in plain text.
> In any event, what's done is done, and Twitter certainly isn't going
> to abandon OAuth at this point.  But opening the source of my Twitter
> client seems to be out of the question if I want to use OAuth.
> On Jul 1, 8:10 am, Philip Plante <> wrote:
>> I do not feel you've made a mountain out of a mole hill here.  This
>> topic has been on my mind since I first encountered oAuth.  I haven't
>> seen any open source apps use oAuth yet.

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