Just curious to know. Because of number three this would only work for
users who have there stream set to private?

On 07/09/2009, chachra <sumit.chac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to design a "invite twitter friends" feature (similar to
> the invite facebook friends concept).
> Sadly its not drop some code, like Facebook is... I'll have to develop
> from scratch. Wondering whats the most scalable way of doing this?
> Details:
> #1 By friends of course means "followers" since I can direct message
> them
> #2 The graph API call returns ID's, I would have to make $n api calls
> to get details on each of the $n id's right? Getting the users name,
> picture etc. ?
> #3 Then when the user selects users to invite, and presses "submit"
> then I'll have to make $m direct message calls ($m < $n)?
> Sounds like a lot of API calls to achieve something really simple.....
> anyone have ways of doing this nicely? I would love to eliminate calls
> in #2 if possible.
> Cheers!
> Sumit

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Xavier A. Mathews

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