
Any chance you can allow us to send an additional variable when we connect and you guys send it in the new format? This would allow for overlap and testing.


On Jul 11, 2009, at 7:04 AM, John Kalucki <> wrote:


There are examples of the new objects on the Streaming API wiki. The
XML and JSON formats are, sadly, not orthogonal. The objects aren't
flowing to give developers time to adjust. We'll probably enable this
in the middle of next week.


On Jul 11, 12:34 am, Laurent Eschenauer <>
Hi John,

I can't find such thing as a status or delete object in the JSON feed. There is indeed a <status> enveloppe in the XML, but the corresponding
JSON object seems to be already one level deeper, only encapsulating
the data from the status itself.

Could you please clarify what we should be expecting to see in JSON ?
And maybe also provide some sample objects in the Wiki, both for XML
and JSON ?

Thanks !


On Jul 10, 8:00 pm, John Kalucki <> wrote:

Note: The Streaming API is currently under a limited alpha test,
details below.

Please test that your Streaming API clients can handle unexpected
objects in the markup stream. Status deletion notice support is being added, but will be disabled until at least Thursday July 16th to allow
developers a chance to check their code. From the 

Streams may also contain status deletion notices. Clients are urged to
honor deletion requests and discard deleted statuses immediately.

    * XML:  <delete><status><id>1234</id><user_id>3</user_id></
    * JSON: { "delete": { "status": { "id": 1234, "user_id": 3 } } }

Objects other than <status> and <delete> may be introduced into the
markup stream in a future release. Please ensure that your parser is
tolerant of unexpected objects.

Important Alpha Test Note:
The Streaming API (aka Hosebird) is currently under an alpha test. All developers using the Streaming API must tolerate possible unannounced
and extended periods of unavailability, especially during off-hours,
Pacific Time. New features, resources and policies are being deployed on very little, if any, notice. Any developer may experiment with the
unrestricted resources and provide feedback via this list. Access to
restricted resources is extremely limited and is only granted on a
case-by-case basis after acceptance of an additional terms of service

-John Kalucki
Services, Twitter Inc.

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