On Jul 15, 11:22 am, iUpdateStatus <iupdatesta...@gmail.com> wrote:

> As a general question related to this topic: For all the developers
> who are working on a solution that involves authenticated users, would
> it be more convenient to get removed from the whitelist (or never
> apply for it) and use the authenticated user's 150 requests/hour
> limit?

For me, yes. When the user rate limit was 100, as few as 200
simultaneous users have, collectively, the same rate limit as a
whitelisted IP. Now that the limit is 150, it only takes 133.3
simultaneous users.

If you anticipate having about 130 or more simultaneous users,
whitelisting can work against you, but it's not completely black and
white. If I have 50 really active users and 100 that aren't so active,
whitelisting might be in my favor, because it means I can spend more
requests on each of those 50 users than their 150/hr limit would
otherwise allow.

It really depends on how many simultaneous authenticated users you
expect to have, what kind of users they are, and what kind of API
requests your application is making on their behalf. For my
application, whitelisting doesn't make sense. For yours it might.

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