My guess is twitter has a limit on the number of friendship create/destroy
calls you can make with a certain period of time.
This would prevent bots or such from overloading twitter with too many
requests. The fact that you start getting 403 after a while
helps confirm there is a limit blocking you. For testing maybe creating
multiple test accounts and switch when you hit the limit.

On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 7:31 PM, Dan Kurszewski <>wrote:

> Here is what is happening.  I am trying to create an app that runs on
> my desktop.  It does a friendships/destroy on people that have chosen
> not to follow me and does a friendships/create on people who are
> following me that I have yet to follow.  This is supposed to be
> similar to Twitter Karma.
> Because I am in the development phase, I have had to do a lot of
> testing.  Here are the steps I take to test.
> 1. I login in to Twitter via IE and add pick a handful of people to
> follow.
> 2. I then go to my desktop app and click on a button and the process
> starts.
> 3. The app does what it does and then I have the perfect number of
> followers and friends (with the exception of followers who are no
> longer allowed users).  By doing this it makes sure I never reach my
> follower limits.
> 4. I do it again and again and again and ........
> 5. After a while I start getting the 403 errors.
> So my questions are this.
> 1. Is there a limit to how many times I can do friendships/destroy or
> friendships/create?  According to the API documentation, neither of
> these apply towards the rate limit.
> 2. Is there a limit to the number of times a certain username can
> login to Twitter in an hour, a day, etc?
> 3. Is there a limit to the number of times calls like this are made by
> a certain IP address?
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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