Ive only been trying since friday...do you have any problems calling
verifyCredentials or any other methods??

On Aug 10, 4:43 pm, "Rob O'Brien" <r...@zepoid.com> wrote:
> I'm getting the same response. All weekend, I chalked it up to being an
> issue during recovery of the systems, but I'm still seeing it this morning
> on 100% of my calls. It was working before the attack.
> 401:Authentication credentials were missing or incorrect. <?xml
> version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <hash>
> <request>/followers/ids.xml</request> <error>Invalid / used nonce</error>
> </hash>
> Rob O'Brien
> Web Application Developer & Consultant
> r...@zepoid.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: twitter-development-talk@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:twitter-development-t...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of graceawalker
> Sent: Monday, August 10, 2009 6:15 AM
> To: Twitter Development Talk
> Subject: [twitter-dev] Invalid / used nonce
> I am calling and getting the whole way up to getting the access token
> just fine in my app (one im writing myself in c#), but when i try and
> call the update status URL im getting an 'Invalid/used nonce' error in
> my response data. Im not sure why this is, im calling the update
> method in the exact same way that i called request token apart from
> the new 'status' parameter in the query string. I call 'verify
> credentials' with my access token to ensure that it is working and it
> sends me back all of the correct data, but it is erroring when trying
> to update my status. Is there any obvious solution to this, or am i
> not supposed to be signing and organising the parameters in the same
> way that i did before? Im really stuck here guys and need help!- Hide quoted 
> text -
> - Show quoted text -

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