If the API requests come from your server when users view your page,
then, yes, your users will be collectively limited to 150
unauthenticated GET requests per hour, unless your site is white-listed.

If your site was white-listed, it would get 20,000 unauthenticated GET
requests per hour. You also authenticate the requests using multiple
accounts and get 150 (or 20,000, if white-listed) API GET requests per
hour for each account used for authentication.

If the API requests come from your users' computers, then each will get
150 API GET requests per hour.

Hope this helps.

Jim Renkel

-----Original Message-----
From: twitter-development-talk@googlegroups.com
[mailto:twitter-development-t...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of NATO24
Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2009 12:12
To: Twitter Development Talk
Subject: [twitter-dev] api user rate limit from different ip addresses

Sorry, I couldn't find the answer in any previous thread even though
there are hundreds.

I create a jQuery plugin that pulls in "my" status updates (not
authenticated using REST).  Each person viewing my page (from
different ip addresses) hits the API once every hour.

Does this mean that only 150 people can simultaniously view that page
without hitting the rate limit?  Will it be restricted by "my" account
rather than by ip?


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