The Streaming API does not currently offer social graph changes. This
is an often requested feature.

-John Kalucki
Services, Twitter Inc.

On Sep 8, 2:31 pm, Narayan <> wrote:
> Hi,
> We have an issue with some accounts being active for a brief while and
> then going dead. We are using the streaming API and the REST API for
> our application.
> Streaming API doesn't notify me in any way, if the account I was
> following becomes dead. Example: this
> existed till a few days back - now its dead. Is there some way you
> could give a status update on this event (account going dead), if its
> in our follow list?
> The REST API returns with a message that looks like this:
> {"request":"\/statuses\/user_timeline.json?
> screen_name=warped09&count=5","error":"This method requires
> authentication."} - the error message is completely irrelevant to the
> actual error of the account being dead. I verified - it isn't an
> authentication issue, I can get responses from valid accounts using
> the same program.  Could you modify the error message to reflect the
> real error ? Or was this an one-off case? I need to design the
> application accordingly to realize that the account has been deleted /
> has become dead.
> Thanks,
> Lakshmi  Naarayanan R
> -------------

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