I'll pass those numbers along to our App Services team and see what they can do.

On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 19:07, Dewald Pretorius <dpr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Alex,
> Thanks for this.
> Is there any way that response times on the call could be improved?
> It takes around 4 seconds to retrieve one cursor. When one retrieves
> the followers/friends of an account with 100,000 of those, with 100
> followers/friends per cursor, it takes more than an hour to retrieve
> all the followers/friends.
> It's not a train smash issue, it would just be good to have faster
> response times. I have noticed the same slower response times
> (measured against 0.4 seconds for other calls) on the social graph
> methods when using cursors.
> Dewald

Alex Payne - Platform Lead, Twitter, Inc.

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