Will the page parameter on /statuses/user_timeline (or on any of the
other timeline methods) be deprecated as well?

I've noticed a lot of failures on /statuses/user_timeline recently.
Instead of the page parameter, is it better to use max_id?

Kyle Mulka
http://twilk.com - put your friends faces on your Twitter background

On Sep 24, 8:47 pm, Alex Payne <a...@twitter.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Recently, we documented a new pagination mechanism for our "social
> graph" methods, /friends/ids and /followers/ids. Traditional
> page-based pagination doesn't dovetail with our recent backend
> changes, and we've now exposed acursor-based pagination mechanism
> that's far more reliable.
> Today, we've documented that this new pagination mechanism is also
> available for the /statuses/friends and /statuses/followers methods.
> With that change, we're setting a hard deprecation date for
> traditional pagination on these four methods: October 26th, 2009.
> That's over a month from now.
> Once deprecated, we'll simply ignore the "page" parameter if it's sent
> by a client, and you'll get the default number of items for the method
> you're calling.
> For more information, 
> seehttp://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-API-Documentation. Thanks.
> --
> Alex Payne - Platform Lead, Twitter, Inc.http://twitter.com/al3x

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