I would see this as second coice - userID in searchresults would be the
better choice because a numeric comparing is in each case faster then
string comparing

Best would be to get both. From side of server (Database request) both
things should be not to tricky to make.


Nelu Lazar schrieb:
> I subscribe to this request. Usernames in social graph methods'
> responses could be useful for many other implementations.
> @NeluLazar
> Tweetvisor.com
> On Sep 29, 7:22 am, Thomas Hübner <thueb...@gmx.de> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> would it be possible to get an additional API function which delivers
>> the screennames instead of ID's?
>> The reason is, I work on a Client App in .NET On Startup I load the
>> followers, friends and blocked ID's. I use this to show the status
>> then in my application and enable/ disable the menus with follow/
>> unfollw DM and so on. So I save expensive API calls (follow someone
>> which I already follow) which ends in API Errors. So far so good.
>> Now I try to implement the search API. This delivers me ATOM XML back.
>> I Try to fill my status object and included User object with the less
>> informations in delivered ATOM to show it in the same Quality like a
>> User Timeline. Unfortunately the only thing I have in ATOM result is
>> the screenname combined with username in one tag. No Problem I resolve
>> that with RegEx. What urgently is missed is the user ID to compare it
>> with the followers and friend list of ID's
>> Now 2 solutions are possible:
>> 1) adding the userID in the search results
>> 2) offer an API call within social graph methods which delivers
>> screennames
>> In case of 2) I could use the unique screenname as Key. This would be
>> a disadvantage because of searchroutines work always slower on string.
>> Better soulution would be to delivers the userID within the
>> searchresults.
>> Is there any way to realize this? I do not think that I'm the only one
>> ho miss this.
>> Best regards,
>> Thomas

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