Not sure I understand the question -- I haven't used that library
specifically -- but provided the URL you pass in with the call to
/oauth/request_token matches the one specified in the Twitter application's
settings screen, then the redirect to that callback URL (which Twitter
handles, after the user approves the request) will contain a querystring
parameter named "oauth_verifier".  Use the value of that parameter to
promote your auth token to an access token.


On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 10:53 AM, Michael Steuer <> wrote:

> I believe that when it’s properly passed, Twitter responds to the
> oauth_callback_url parameter? (ie. Redirecting the user back to the url
> passed in that parameter upon successful authentication)...
> I’m using @abraham’s TwitterOAuth PHP library – does anyone have any idea
> how to make the callback_url work with this?
> Thanks,
> Michael.

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