Hey there,

I'm posting this because I'm concerned with the possibility of
exceeding the rate limit and so I would like advice on what to do.
I have an application that does several queries to the Search API on
several Geocode locations.
The twitter Search API documentation clearly states that if I hit a
503 status code I should (and I do) have my application wait the time
specified in the "Retry-After" header.

However I haven't yet hit any 503 status codes, instead I'm receiving
a few 502 http status codes with the infamous "Time out!" whale
message. My question is:

How should I process these?

Since there is no "Retry-After" header on 502 codes I can't know how
much time to wait. Will it influence my rate limiting, and get me
banned if I ignore them? How long should I wait before the next
request? (a few seconds, minutes, until the next hour?)

Would appreciate any input I could get on this :)

Thank you.

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