This is fantastic, I hope to start working on it soon.  Do you guys
have and idea of possible timespans, only because it takes us two
weeks to get things past Apple's appoval process!

On Oct 16, 8:04 am, Marcel Molina <> wrote:
> Hey folks. As some of you have likely read we're starting to do some
> private beta testing of our new lists feature. We're not quite ready
> to open it up to everyone but we've made some headway on the API and
> wanted to share some details of what we've got so far.
> There are a handful of things on our todo lists so don't consider this
> signed and sealed just yet.
> You may notice this API is a bit of a departure from the rest of the
> API. It's a bit more, errr, REST than the rest.
> First off, here's the current payload for a list:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <list>
>   <id>1416</id>
>   <name>tall people</name>
>   <full_name>@noradio/tall-people</full_name>
>   <slug>tall-people</slug>
>   <subscriber_count>0</subscriber_count>
>   <member_count>3</member_count>
>   <uri>/noradio/tall-people</uri>
>   <mode>public</mode>
>   <user>
>     <id>3191321</id>
>     <name>Marcel Molina</name>
>     <screen_name>noradio</screen_name>
>     <location>San Francisco, CA</location>
>     <description>Engineer at Twitter on the @twitterapi team, obsessed
> with rock climbing &amp; running. In a past life I was a member of the
> Rails Core team.</description>
> <profile_image_url></profile_image_url>
>     <url></url>
>     <protected>false</protected>
>     <followers_count>40059</followers_count>
>     <profile_background_color>9AE4E8</profile_background_color>
>     <profile_text_color>333333</profile_text_color>
>     <profile_link_color>0084B4</profile_link_color>
>     <profile_sidebar_fill_color>DDFFCC</profile_sidebar_fill_color>
>     <profile_sidebar_border_color>BDDCAD</profile_sidebar_border_color>
>     <friends_count>354</friends_count>
>     <created_at>Mon Apr 02 07:47:28 +0000 2007</created_at>
>     <favourites_count>131</favourites_count>
>     <utc_offset>-28800</utc_offset>
>     <time_zone>Pacific Time (US &amp; Canada)</time_zone>
> <profile_background_image_url></profile_background_image_url>
>     <profile_background_tile>true</profile_background_tile>
>     <statuses_count>3472</statuses_count>
>     <notifications>false</notifications>
>     <geo_enabled>true</geo_enabled>
>     <verified>false</verified>
>     <following>false</following>
>   </user>
> </list>
> === Lists ===
> POST '/:user/lists.:format'
> Creates a new list for the authenticated user.
> Parameters:
>  * name: the name of the list. (required)
>  * mode: whether your list is public of private. Values can be
> 'public' or 'private'. Public by default if not specified. (optional)
> Usage notes:
>  ":user" in the url should be the screen name of the user making the
> request to create the list
> Supported formats:
> xml, json
> e.g.
>  curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -d "name=tall 
> people&mode=private"
> POST/PUT '/:user/lists/:list_slug.:format'
> Updates the specified list.
> Takes the same parameters as the create resource at POST
> '/:user/lists.:format' (:name and :mode).
> Supported formats:
> xml, json
> e.g.
>  curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -d 
> "name=giants&mode=public"
> GET '/:user/lists.:format'
> Lists your lists.
> Supported format:
> xml, json
> e.g.
> GET '/:user/lists/memberships.:format'
> List the lists the specified user has been added to.
> Supported formats:
> xml, json
> e.g.
> DELETE '/:user/lists/:list_slug.:format'
> Delete the specified list owned by the authenticated user.
> Parameters:
>  * list_slug: the slug of the list you want to delete. (required)
> Supported formats:
> xml, json
> e.g.
> GET '/:users/lists/:list_slug/statuses.:format'
> Show tweet timeline for members of the specified list.
> Parameters:
>  * list_slug: the slug of the list you want the member tweet timeline
> of. (required)
>  * next/previous_cursor: used to "page" through results (optional)
> Supported formats:
> xml, json
> e.g.
>  curl -u 
> GET '/:users/lists/:list_slug.:format'
> Show a specific list you can use the new resource.
> Supported formats:
> xml, json
> e.g.
> === List members ===
> POST '/:user/:list_slug/members.:format'
> Add a member to a list.
> Parameters:
>  * id: the id of the user you want to add as a member to the list. (required)
> Usage notes:
> The :list_slug portion of the request path should be the slug of the
> list you want to add a member to.
> Supported formats:
> xml, json
> e.g.
>  curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -d 
> "id=123456789"http://
> GET '/:user/:list_slug/members.:format'
> Members of the specified list.
> Supported formats:
> xml, json
> e.g.
> DELETE '/:user/:list_slug/members.:format'
> Remove a member from the specified list.
> Parameters:
>  * id: the id of the user you want to remove as a member from the
> list. (required)
> Usage notes:
> The :list_id portion of the request path should be the slug of the
> list you want to add a member to.
> Supported formats:
> xml, json
> e.g.
> "id=123456789"
> GET '/:user/:list_slug/members/:id.:format'
> Check if a user is a member of the specified list.
> Usage notes:
> The :id is the id of the user you're inquiring about.
> Supported formats:
> xml, json
> e.g.
>  curl -u 
> === List subscribers ===
> POST '/:user/:list_slug/subscribers.:format'
> Subscribe the authenticated user to the specified list.
> Supported formats:
> xml, json
> e.g.
> GET '/:user/:list_slug/subscribers.:format'
> List the users subscribed to the specified list.
> Supported formats:
> xml, json
> e.g.
>  curl -u 
> DELETE '/:user/:list_slug/subscribers.:format'
> Unsubscribe the authenticated user from the specified list.
> Supported formats:
> xml, json
> e.g.
> GET '/:user/:list_slug/subscribers/:id.:format'
> Check if a user subscribes to the specified list.
> Usage notes:
> The :id is the id of the user you're inquiring about.
> Supported formats:
> xml, json
> e.g.
>  curl -u 
> More to come soon. Stay tuned!
> --
> Marcel Molina
> Twitter Platform Team

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