the only way right now to "direct" your tweets to a subset of users is to
make them protected or to DM users. The whole point of tweeting, so far as I
can tell, is to let everyone read it (at least, in the case of public

On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 20:47, Harshad RJ <> wrote:

> I am more interested in the converse use-case; I would like to tweet about
> my sporting life only to the "sporties" list created by me. Is this possible
> / planned ?
> (Alright, I will be honest; replace "sports" with "tech" for me)
> On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 4:44 AM, Chad Etzel <> wrote:
>> This sounds like a 3rd party API application opportunity to me...
>> -Chad
>> On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 7:11 PM, leonspencer <>wrote:
>>> The new lists are a great way reduce the clutter in timeline. However,
>>> I immediately notice management problems with the lists where tweets
>>> are duplicate in timeline and list for tweets that have nothing to do
>>> with the list. For example, let's say I have a sports list:
>>> I add userA that tweets about sports. But userA also tweets about
>>> food. And being a friend, userA will tweet about personal stuff.
>>> If a user tweets about sports, dining, and personal stuff, ALL of
>>> these tweets are shown under the sports list as well as my timeline.
>>> Furthermore, if I create a second list for food/dining and add userA,
>>> ALL of the tweets regardless of food or sports will display under both
>>> lists.
>>> So what would be great is for Twitter to allow the optional
>>> specification of one or more hashtags when associating an account with
>>> a list, which would indicate tweets from that account should only
>>> appear under this list IF these hashtags are part of the tweet.
>>> Leon
> --
> Harshad RJ

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