Hi Raffi,

Very interesting and useful since Twitter has so much data.

Could you elaborate more on how you identify that a tweet is of a
particular location. From the data twitter collects, there are three
main sources that come to mind:

1) Location in the profile of the user.
2) Geo tagged tweets having Lat and Long information.
3) Text in the tweet, such as a tweet mentioning San Francisco.

Which of the above three (or combinations of) would you be using to
identify a tweet with a location?


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On Nov 9, 2:41 pm, Raffi Krikorian <ra...@twitter.com> wrote:
> hi naveen.
> that's actually a _really_ interesting idea!  we'll take it under  
> advisement.
> > Looks very interesting.
> > Something that pops to mind right away is maybe on the trends/
> > available accept a latitude and longitude to sort available trends by
> > distance from a specific location (useful for mobile tweeters). It is
> > unclear how many "locations" you plan to support but if the number is
> > anything significant some method of searching/sorting through
> > available trends will be extremely useful.
> > --Naveen
> >> We've heard from lots of users that trending topics, as seen on the
> >> twitter.com homepage and on search.twitter.com, are a fun way to
> >> figure out what's going on in the Twitter-verse at this very instant.
> >> The one feature request that we've heard over and over, however, is
> >> "what's going on where I am?".  To answer that, we wanted to give you
> >> all a heads up regarding the new "Trends API" that we're launching.
> >> This API will open up trending information that is specific to a
> >> number of locations around the world.
> >> At a high level, there will be two new endpoints:
> >> * an endpoint to give a listing of all locations that trends are
> >> available for, and
> >> * an endpoint to actually allow you to query by a specific location.
> >> We're using Yahoo!'s Where on Earth IDs (WOEIDs) to name each  
> >> location
> >> that we have information for -- we're doing so because those IDs give
> >> not only language-agnostic, but also permanent, stable, and unique
> >> identifiers for geographic locations.  For example, San Francisco has
> >> a permanent and unique WOEID of 2487956, London has 44418, and the
> >> Earth has WOEID 1.  You can find out more about those IDs 
> >> athttp://developer.yahoo.com/geo/geoplanet/
> >> .  The EXAMPLES section at the bottom of the documentation's landing
> >> page shows an example of how to find out the WOEID of a specific  
> >> place.
> >> To start reading through the documentation, check out:
> >>https://twitterapi.pbworks.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method%3A-trends-avai...
> >> ...
> >> It should be noted that at launch, unlike the trends that are
> >> available by the search API, these localized trends will not be  
> >> rolled
> >> up into daily and weekly trends.  Those rollups may come in a future
> >> release.
> --
> Raffi Krikorian
> Twitter Platform Team
> ra...@twitter.com | @raffi

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