So how can I apply for a Search Whitelist?

On Nov 19, 12:17 am, Mark McBride <> wrote:
> There are three different rate limits that apply to API usage
> 1) Your IP rate limit (used when making unauthenticated calls)
> 2) Your account rate limit (used when making authenticated calls)
> 3) Your search rate limit (used when making search calls)
> This is covered in the wiki, but it isn't highlighted, so it's easy to
> miss.  Check out this page,
> particularly the part about the API separation, and this 
> page, particularly the bit about
> search API rate limiting.
> Note that whitelisting for search is possible, but isn't given out as
> freely as whitelisting for the REST API.
>    ---Mark
> On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 6:47 PM, Greg <> wrote:
> > Well the title explains it all. Every 15 minutes - my app gets 503
> > errors from the search api. Now reading the the documentation - this
> > would indicate a rate limit for Search - which is impossible due to
> > the whitelist for my IP. The Whitelist provides 20,000 API for a hour
> > - we make about 360 API calls per hour (Search refreshes every 20
> > seconds, calls 2 feeds) - so there is no way we would even come close
> > to the error.
> > The math:
> > Two Search API Feeds - running every 20 seconds = 6 times per minute *
> > 60 minutes = 360 calls.
> > Is this excessive?
> > Is anyone else experiencing this issue?
> > Thanks,
> > Greg

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