search should override profile location with tweet location (on the assumption that tweet location is more specific information).

That's not so bad.  So you're saying search is going to consider
either user loc or tweet loc (and I assume pick the closest)?

that is currently unsupported -- right now you will get both.  you
could, once receiving the search results, filter on the values in the
<geo> tag that is returned in the search API.

How does this interact with the search mechanism, if at all? i.e. when I do a near search, I *don't* want tweets that come from people who's
profile sets them near that place, but instead only for *tweets*
marked as near that place.

As you may have seen on the Twitter blog [1], geotagging is now
available for all users and developers throughout Twitter's APIs.
Specific geotagging methods have been added and existing formats
expanded to accommodate this rich new information.

To get started developing with this API and sending geotweets,
check out

Geotweets now carry the geotag whenever available and whenever they
appear in our REST, Search, and Streaming APIs.

Remember, geotagging is disabled by default on users' accounts.
Encourage your users to enable it by sending them to their settings
page [2].  From that page, a user can turn this feature on by
the "Enable geotagging" checkbox.  Alternatively, we're also
a mobile optimized geotagging settings page [3] that you can send
too as well.  As a developer, you can determine whether a user has
enabled geotagging by calling the users/show method [4] or in any
other <user> element returned by the REST API where a user object
shows up -- just look for the geo_enabled flag.

For more hints on how to use geotagging, check out our Geotagging
Practices page [5] where we have UX mock-ups, hints on how to best
support user privacy, and more.

We're really excited about this feature!  And more is coming.

Go get lost.  We'll send help.

[1] locally.html

Raffi Krikorian
Twitter Platform Team | @raffi

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