here is something i just ran against the search API (i formatted the JSON for readability).

[ra...@tw-mbp13-raffi twitter (homing_pigeon)]$ curl " "
"profile_image_url":" ",
             20 Nov 2009 15:40:40 +0000",
"text":"Soy milk, FTW (@ Twitter in SF) NUNGf",
"source":"<a href="" rel="nofollow">foursquare</a>"

On Nov 20, 2009, at 2:21 PM, JOHN OBRIEN wrote:

Quick question...

What format will [geo] be from the /search api?

just the lat long, something like...

[geo] => 37.78029 -122.39697

I am watching a bunch of tweets coming into our service, but I can't find one that is populated, so just thought I would ask.

(And I can't see anything from my account just yet... )


On Nov 19, 2009, at  4:51 PM, Raffi Krikorian wrote:

As you may have seen on the Twitter blog [1], geotagging is now available for all users and developers throughout Twitter's APIs. Specific geotagging methods have been added and existing formats expanded to accommodate this rich new information.

To get started developing with this API and sending geotweets, check out

Geotweets now carry the geotag whenever available and whenever they appear in our REST, Search, and Streaming APIs.

Remember, geotagging is disabled by default on users' accounts. Encourage your users to enable it by sending them to their settings page [2]. From that page, a user can turn this feature on by checking the "Enable geotagging" checkbox. Alternatively, we're also providing a mobile optimized geotagging settings page [3] that you can send them too as well. As a developer, you can determine whether a user has enabled geotagging by calling the users/show method [4] or in any other <user> element returned by the REST API where a user object shows up -- just look for the geo_enabled flag.

For more hints on how to use geotagging, check out our Geotagging Best Practices page [5] where we have UX mock-ups, hints on how to best support user privacy, and more.

We're really excited about this feature!  And more is coming.

Go get lost.  We'll send help.


Raffi Krikorian
Twitter Platform Team | @raffi

Raffi Krikorian
Twitter Platform Team | @raffi

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