And what's prohibiting you from doing this?

On 11/23/09 9:38 AM, "Duane Roelands" <> wrote:

> I would get a list of the current user's followers and maintain it in
> a cache.  Then, when displaying an arbitrary list of users, check each
> user to see if that user exists in the cache.  They they do, show the
> "Unfollow" button.  If they don't, show the "Follow" button.
> On Nov 23, 12:08 pm, Chris Thomson <> wrote:
>> There seems to be a `following` boolean attribute returned for each user in
>> /statuses/followers.xml (and .json)... is that what you're looking for?
>> --
>> Chris Thomson
>> On 2009-11-23, at 11:16 AM, Ryan Bell wrote:
>>> I would like to completely recreate Twitter's followers screen.  After
>>> some research, we aren't sure its possible without being inefficient
>>> with the API.
>>> We're unable to determine if a user is a following the logged in user
>>> in a bulk fashion.This information is needed in order to determine
>>> which options to include next to each follower. ex) should you show
>>> 'follow' or 'unfollow' button?
>>> Twitter returns your followers information, but does not include
>>> information as to whether you are also following that user.  It seems
>>> that the only way to get this additional information is on a 1-by-1
>>> basis by checking to see if each of your followers is being followed
>>> by you.
>>> Is there a better way to determine in bulk if users are being followed
>>> by you?  It seems that this functionality must exist in order for an
>>> application to mimic Twitter's Followers page.
>>> Thanks in advance for any assistance,
>>> Ryan

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