I know that i should post on the Twitter gem group(and i have) but
that place is dead and also i think my problem is not with the gem but
understanding how the oauth and REST works. I could be looking down
the wrong path tho seeing as how i kinda feel like Alice down the
rabbit hole.

Everything dealing with lists works on the twitter gem but one thing
and that's "list_remove_user" which is using the DELETE list members

Now when i use it as planned i get this error.

Twitter::RateLimitExceeded: (400): Bad Request - You must specify a

Which is the same error you get if you use the api via curl and leave
off the id


It has nothing to do with the rate limit. twitter gem just returns all
400's as a ratelimitexceded. There is no rate limit for adding and
removing list items and also my account is whitelisted.

Then i moved on and noticed that the delete method was only passing
the uri and header options meanwhile post and put had an extra body

def perform_post
  send(:post, uri, options[:body], options[:headers])

def perform_delete
  send(:delete, uri, options[:headers])

>From that i assumed that the id that gets passed for the users id must
be inside of the options[:body] and that's why twitter was telling me
"You must specify a member"

When oauth gem creates the url's to query it does it like so and once
again they do not include "body"

def post(path, body = '', headers = {})
 request(:post, path, body, headers)

def delete(path, headers = {})
  request(:delete, path, headers)

But that all blows up when i add "body" to delete.

So after all of this i guess what I'm wondering is.. is there
something to do with oauth and REST that will not let you pass along
extra params and do i need to look into using a POST method and
passing _method=DELETE.

I have not tried that yet because i have no idea how to attempt that
in the confines of ruby using oauth. thanks for any help, this is
driving me nuts.


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