Well, it just started working except the asterisk. That I had to
change to be escaped as %2A instead of %2a. Not sure what was up with
the rest.

On Dec 17, 11:20 am, jdangerslater <jasoncsla...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm having a problem signing status updates, but only when any of
> these characters is contained in the post: ! * ( ) '
> For all other posts everything works fine. At first I noticed that
> these characters weren't being escaped, so I fixed that ( I used 
> this:http://www.viera.info/URLEncode_Code_Chart.htmas a reference) and
> everything is now going out properly and the proxy debugger I'm using
> (Charles) decides the values properly so I think that's fine.
> The response I get back looks like this:
> <hash>
>         <request>/statuses/update.xml</request>
>         <error>Incorrect signature</error>
> </hash>
> Here is what my postdata looks like:
> oauth_consumer_key=**CONSUMER_KEY**&oauth_nonce=2287&oauth_signature_method 
> =HMAC-
> SHA1&oauth_timestamp=1261066215&oauth_t
> oken=**OAUTH_TOKEN**&oauth_version=1.0&status=BAD%20CHARS%20%21%2a
> %28%29%27&oauth_signature=LafAO6Fd1lfZ1I
> 6aaaGZqDKyhnA%3D
> Any clues as to what I'm doing wrong would help, thanks

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