this is a bit involved and i see three steps in this process - one, you have
to see what your followers are posting, filter it down by hashtags, and the
find all the twitpics posted.  honestly, this seems like a perfect use of
the streaming API.

call to
get all your followers, and then use those ids to follow those users on the
streaming API (
 as the tweets come in, you'll have to match the hashtag against those
tweets, and if that hashtag matches, see if there is a twitpic.

On Fri, Dec 25, 2009 at 4:32 AM, humbucker <>wrote:

> Hi !
> I would like to build something like that would
> display choosen twitpic images related to a special #hashtag submitted
> by follower only.
> Is it possible ?
> What I can do is displaying the avatar and tweets of people using a
> choosen #hastag in their tweets but dont know how to rather display a
> given twitpic for followers of my twittter only.
> A help would be greatly appreciated.
> I'm more of a designer than a developer.
> Thank you sincerly.

Raffi Krikorian
Twitter Platform Team

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